Every year Latin students across the state gather together to test their wisdom, Latin wisdom that is. The Texas State Junior Classical League is one of the largest student driven organizations in the world!

In order to make it to state, you must first place in your Area.

Texas is divided up into five areas because of its size and each area hosts its own area competition prior to the annual state competition.

  • Area A: Southeast Texas (Houston and surrounding areas)
  • Area B: South Texas (San Antonio, Uvalde, Corpus Christi)
  • Area C: North Central Texas (Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco)
  • Area D: North West Texas (Lubbock, Amarillo)
  • Area F: Central Texas (Austin)

Only the top 5 contestants placing the highest scores in your category may move on to compete at the state level. This year the state convention will be held at Marcus High School in Flower Mound, Texas.

This year over 40 students from Palo Duro High School will be traveling down to Flower Mound to compete. (including ME!)

Things 'TO DO'

- SHOP! The Galleria is probably one of my favorite places to shop, and it is a must do while in Dallas!

-Medieval Times. I've never been but this will be my first! They feed you dinner while watching a jousting tournament!

- Six Flags Over Texas is such a great park to go to, and we will be going there! It's tradition!

- In-N-Out Burger is one of the best fast food joints in AMERICA! America, people! If you haven't been you need to go!


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