Craigslist's "Rants And Raves" is quickly becoming my favorite Craigslist feature. Read on to see what Amarillo is griping about this week!

Don't be so gullible! (Amarillo)

The 806 Coffee Shop (Amarillo Tx)

AISD What the hell

Dammit freaking city council

So now they are raises fees to pay for city crap, tell me this at suddenlink yesterday they had city cops directing traffic 6 of them yes I counted and wife counted there were 6 city cops there, who paying them city or suddenlink. And now they want to spend millions for city park programs along with the dam ball park, we CAN"T afford it! Quit spending and budget, learn to live on what you are getting, people can not afford higher taxes, more fees,
Read more like these on Craiglist's Rants and Raves.

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