Why should Partnership for a Drug Free America spend money on anti-drug commercials when they have videos like this?  If you're considering experimenting with drugs, watch this video, it's the perfect reason to NEVER EVER DO DRUGS KIDS!

I don't know what this woman was, or wasn't high on, but she's definitely tweaking hard!  She goes on a foul-mouthed rant about some crazy stuff.
Not only does she claim to be an owner of Facebook, but also $1 million invested in the "mafia". Her rambling about U.S. Marshals, satellites and feeble attempt at reciting the Miranda rights makes me think she's been around the block a time or two.  This girl just provided the world with the perfect building blocks for the next viral auto-tune remix.

She needs help, and ketchup...and mustard...

***Warning, the following video has been deemed NSFW and is intended for a mature audience only...view at your own risk***

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