We all know Daniel Baldwin I think.  He's the second oldest and second least talented of the Baldwin brothers who's been in a bunch of movies I've never even seen.  But he's still a Baldwin dangit and he deserves our love especially in this rocky patch he is in!  You see, he is filing for a divorce, because his wife THREATENED TO KILL HIM!  WOWZA!  Anyways, TMZ is claiming they have a decloration written by Daniel explaining what drove him to file for divorce.  Including information claiming his wife threatened to end his life in front of their 2 children.

Daniel says in his declaration, Joanne once came into the bedroom and said she had just watched a documentary on women who kill their husbands, saying, "Now I know how to do it, I understand why they did it.  You have been warned."  Daniel says their daughter heard the comment and asked him, "Is Mommy going to kill us?"

Okay again, WOWZA!  That is messed up!  Okay ladies threatening to kill your man is understandable.  We men are dogs and we don't always think clearly or with our brains for that matter.  We push you to the edge and sometimes you have to remind us of your capabilities.  But to do it in front of your children!?  So much to the point that your child asks if "mommy is going to kill us".  I think if this is true Daniel should get full custody of the kids.  I hate to seperate children from they're mom's but this is messed up and I don't think a crazy lady has any business with children.  What do you think?

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