Social media is a part of our daily life.  It is a way for us to connect with friends and family.  But is it sending us into a deep depression?

Most of us our on Facebook and Twitter daily.  Social media has allowed us to connect with people we haven't seen in years.  It allows us to see how their careers, families, and life in general has turned out.

While this seems like a positive thing, research shows that it is actually the opposite.  A study conducted in Germany reveals that 1/3 of Facebook users log off with a negative feeling.  And to take it one step farther, the negativity stems from envy.

It turns out seeing your old classmates posting pictures of their vacations, engagements, career success, and so on just reminds you of the stuff you don't have.  It is making people miserable.

Here is the breakdown for you:

Women obsess over physical appearance and social standing.

Men obsess over their accomplishments at work and home.

As much time as we spend on Facebook, just shows how many people are miserable.  Here is my advice, if your ex-classmate has something in life that you don't, don't dwell on it.  If there is something in your life that you don't like, change it.  Don't allow others to determine your happiness.

There is always going to be something that you want but is out of your reach.  Make the best of it.  If you live your life wanting to be someone else, you are going to waste the life you have!

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