Professor David Nutt has created a new hangover-free alcohol called alcosynth.  The Imperial College professor tells The Independent Newspaper that the alcohol does not cause dry mouth, nausea or headaches. “It will be there alongside the scotch and the gin, they'll dispense the alcosynth into your cocktail and then you'll have the pleasure without damaging your liver and your heart. They go very nicely into mojitos. They even go into something as clear as a Tom Collins. One is pretty tasteless, the other has a bitter taste. We know a lot about the brain science of alcohol; it's become very well understood in the last 30 years. So we know where the good effects of alcohol are mediated in the brain, and can mimic them. And by not touching the bad areas, we don't have the bad effects.''

This guy is now a hero to the fraternity and sorority houses all over the country.

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