It looks like a yes, although he wont be getting out of the movie industry all together.  The man that was voted sexiest man alive several times revealed it all on the Australian version of 60 minutes

In the interview, Brad Pitt confesses that in 3 years, he's going to be 50.  That's definitely not the end of the world for Brad or anybody else for that matter.  There's always something else you can dive into and for Brad it's going to be producing movies.  A good hobby that will keep him paid and still doing what he loves!

My favorite Brad Pitt movie of all time, gotta be Fight Club!  But there's a ton of other good movies like Seven and Snatch and Interview With The Vampire that I've always been a fan of.  The dude has got a ton of great movies on his filmography!  He's even already dabbled in the producing industry with movies like The Departed.  So maybe it's the end of his acting career in 3 years, but definitely not the end of his movie career. 

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