Little monsters! Katy Kats! Call off the war, please.

Does PopCrush need to come in and administer time outs for both of you? We are not shy about enacting some discipline, shaking our fingers at your bad behavior. Your heroines Lady Gaga and Katy Perry have hugged it out on Twitter, regarding respective leaks of their singles and showing that they do not see their respective releases 'ARTPOP' and 'Prism' as ammo in some type of pop war over who is better. Can't we all just get along?

Yes, your pop queens are releasing albums within weeks of each other and yes they both have dark hair right now, but there's not some heated, hateful battle between the two for pop supremacy.

Gaga addressed Perry's leak of the totally awesome 'ROAR' – we've been singing "because I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar" since we heard the track -- and suggested the two divas unite over leakers and hackers, since Gaga's 'Applause' leaked but was quickly yanked from the Internets. Please, Aug. 19, hurry up and get here so we can clap for Gaga!

Perry responded with a cute tweet referencing 'Applause' lyrics, saying that she will put her hands together for Gaga.

So cute. #Srsly. We're ODing on the sugar and spice between the two divas.

There is room at pop music's table for both singers. It doesn't need to be us vs. them, alright? So put a lid on the hate and trying force a feud.

Below are the tweet cutes. You know, like the "meet cute" scenes in rom coms.

BTW -- by the way, not born this way -- Gaga explained her new tattoo. It was in honor of her baby sis Natali.

"Got it for Nat, my sister and original hoodrat, her name was always mouse and I am loopy. Needle represents her passion for fashion design. I love her more than anything, she inspires me," Gaga wrote on her page.

She further shared: "Also cuz we watched 'Cinderella' together and the mice sewed in that movie! it has a lot of meanings."

So. Much. Love. And. Cuteness.

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