Music has been around for as long as anyone knows and we all know it can affect our mood.  It has also recently influenced our way of dress.  In the past we've had the Michael Jackson Glove, the MC Hammer pants, daisy dukes and now the Justin Bieber haircut.

Well music has ventured out and now influences the way Barbie dresses.  Yes it all goes back to the MTV video awards when we all watch in awe as Lady Gaga took stage in a "Meat Dress."  In honor of that night, Barbie is now sporting a meat dress.  Shoes, hat, purse, the whole deal.

Is this taking it to far?  Would you buy this for your daughter?  The answer:  Yes and yes!  For as long as I can remember the music and the toy industry have been pushing the limits.  If you are a die hard 'little Monster', chances are you would buy this not only for your daughter but for yourself.

Here's to Barbie, keeping up with the latest trends.  And here's to Gaga for setting those trends!!!

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