A case is being taken on by the Supreme Court, a challenge to a University of Texas program, which factors in the color of a person's skin in college admissions.  This case could actually set new limits on affirmative action at universities, then again, it could do away with it completely.  But should race even be a factor when it comes to being accepted for college enrollment?

I can understand both sides of the coin in this matter, and yeah, affirmative action probably made sense in the 1961 when president John F. Kennedy signed off on it, but here in 2012?  Does anyone actually see "race" anymore?

I really don't think so, and those that do, I feel sorry for you, I can't imagine being so simple-minded.

Why should white, black, brown, yellow or any other color of skin matter in this day in age? I just don't get it!  My wife is very dark-skinned, and I'm pitch white.  Does anyone see a problem with that?

What we do as a society is a catalyst to our future.  I really think the generations have just kind of wiped race out of the equation.

Think about it, you see rich and poor pretty equally in all races.  So why are we in the middle of this debate?

Do you really think we wouldn't have diversity in colleges if affirmative action wasn't in place?

In my 32 years on this planet, I've met some truly brilliant minds!  And guess what!?  They came in all colors!

To think that a person would only be accepted in school due to them being white, I can't even fathom that!  To think a person wouldn't be accepted because they are black, again, I just can't even begin to think it!

I will wrap this up with a quick story.  The other day, I witnessed a car wreck.  It was a hit and run.  I gave my statement to the police officer, and he asked me a question that I simply couldn't answer.  He said "where they white, black or Hispanic?"  I found myself just flabbergasted!  I was really digging in my brain, trying to remember, and I couldn't!  That's how little I look at the color of a persons skin.  I knew the person had brown, long hair, drove a white Honda, was wearing a blue jacket, but I couldn't for the life of me recall ethnicity.  Because I didn't see a "black, white or brown guy", I just saw a guy.

Now that I've just rambled on, I think it's time to get to a question.

Some people are calling affirmative action "illegal discrimination", because the fact that race is even being considered at all, it's racist.

What do you think?


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