google searches

Top “Why Do People” Searches On Google
Top “Why Do People” Searches On Google
Top “Why Do People” Searches On Google
I love just typing in the start of random things into Google's search bar and seeing what pops up for the top results it wants to auto-fill.  Today, I caught myself pondering as to why someone would say they're going to do something, but don't follow through with it, especially repeatedly.  I wondered how alone I was in this question, which it turns out it's not one of the top results.  However, t
Top “Why Do I” Searches On Google [PHOTOS]
Top “Why Do I” Searches On Google [PHOTOS]
Top “Why Do I” Searches On Google [PHOTOS]
As I continue this weird kick I'm on doing random searches to see what's being searched the most on Google, I'm finding out that the world is just as weird as I am.  That's relieving right there!  I've been shocked with the top search auto-fill results from "how to" and "why does", and today I figured I'd type in "why do I" and see what popped up.  What do you think t