the wanted

The Wanted Get Caught With Their Pants Down
The Wanted Get Caught With Their Pants Down
The Wanted Get Caught With Their Pants Down
Want to see the Wanted drop trou? Show off their skivvies? Pose in their undies? Don't all scream at once, ladies. We know there are millions of you who would sever a limb in order to see Tom Parker, Max George and co. in their underwear. And now, you can.
Justin Bieber Hits the Wanted’s Siva Kaneswaran in the Crotch
Justin Bieber Hits the Wanted’s Siva Kaneswaran in the Crotch
Justin Bieber Hits the Wanted’s Siva Kaneswaran in the Crotch
While most of Scooter Braun’s profile in The New Yorker was about his business model and his relationship with the most famous (and likely profitable) of his cache of clients, the piece did reveal some “fun” that Justin Bieber had with ‘The Voice’ host Carson Daly and the Wanted‘s Siva Kaneswaran, which eventually spilled over to include Braun. He was punching people in the crotch. Oh Biebs… Read
The Wanted Get Zapped During Electric Dog Collar Game
The Wanted Get Zapped During Electric Dog Collar Game
The Wanted Get Zapped During Electric Dog Collar Game
The Wanted are good sports during radio interviews. While chatting with ZMTV, the lads played the Electric Dog Collar Game. What’s that? Well, it’s when dog collars were placed around their necks during a New Zealand trivia game. If they bombed on a question, then they’d get a buzz from their, uh, necklaces. The boys — actually Jay McGuiness and Nathan Sykes served as the shockees — needed to bru
The Wanted Invite One Direction Out for a Drink … When They Are Legal!
The Wanted Invite One Direction Out for a Drink … When They Are Legal!
The Wanted Invite One Direction Out for a Drink … When They Are Legal!
There’s no beefing between U.K. boy bands the Wanted and One Direction. While the press tries to create some drama between the groups because they are cute, talented and from the same region, the Wanted were quick to shut that down, admitting they support one another. The Wanted, who are a bit older, even invited 1D for a drink … when they can drink legally, that is. We love responsible boy bands.
The Wanted Meet Mel Effing Gibson
The Wanted Meet Mel Effing Gibson
The Wanted Meet Mel Effing Gibson
The Wanted met Mel Gibson. Well, actually, it’s Mel “Effing” Gibson, according to their tweet on the matter. The boys tweeted a photo of the entire band posing with the volatile, controversy magnet actor. It’s actually “Mel Effing Gibson” who looks like he is starstruck, wearing an ear-to-ear grin as he poses with the boys, and not the other way around.