Falalala lalala... Yes that's right Hacker taking on his new project by caroling for the Holidays! When you think of Christmas time, you think of lights, tree's, family time, presents and Santa. But whatever happened to the Christmas Caroler's that used to come to the front door and sing our favorite Christmas songs us. Well I guess that just happened in the old days or on movies. No worries because Hack- man is ready to take that project on and sing you all your favorite Christmas songs. Warning...What your about to hear is performed by professionals. So Please Do Not Attempt This At Home!


So now that I butchered the song and made your ears scream. I will be doing this every week leading up to Christmas. If interested I will perform on your front porch, Christmas party, talent show, or any other events. Contact me M-F between the hours of 6p-11pm at 806-320-0969! Be on the look out for next weeks Christmas Carol of the week. For any Questions, Comments, or Concerns please leave below. Happy Holidays from Tommy The Hacker and Kiss Fm

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