I've been on this kick where I type the the beginnings of a question or a few words just to see what Google decides to follow it up with on the auto-fill.  So today, I typed in "why does" and yet again, the top thing took me by surprise!  "Why does my pee smell"?  That's the top thing Google wants to auto-fill, what are people drinking or eating that's making them search this so much?

Dallas Chambers
Dallas Chambers


1) Why does my pee smell bad?

2) Why does my tailbone hurt?

3) Why does my cat lick me?

4) Why does my dog eat grass?

I get the reasoning for searching all of these, it's just for these 4 questions to all be lumped together, it's rather weird...they don't match.

A hurting tailbone, I could get dirty with that but I'm choosing to take a higher ground, my mind really wants to go to the gutter for some reason though.  But injuries to the tailbone or nerves aren't uncommon.

Any-who, why does my cat lick me intrigued me, and the answer is pretty relieving.  When your cat licks you, it is cleaning and claiming you.  Way better than being urinated on, I though that's how they marked their territory, I guess that's just my dog and 1 year old son =)

As far as dogs eating grass, there's nothing definite for each individual dog.  Some like the taste, some just like to chew on stuff and grass is one of them, in my dog's case, it's due to an upset tummy.

As far as pee smelling bad, all I'll say is if your urine has a strange odor, it's probably from something you ate or drank.  If it has an odor and a stinging sensation, get to the doctor and get that checked!  Nuff' said!

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