Here we are in week two of the Dash 4 Kash with another $1,000 on the line! If you want a chance at the big money, you will have to use your powers of observation.

We wouldn't be Kiss FM if we didn't hook you up with an extra bonus clue just for hanging out with us online. Click here for all the Dash 4 Kash details. If you played the last online bonus clue, then you're one step ahead. For those who didn't, it's simple. From the riddle below, click through the links provided and find a word 'written' in the color that is given in the riddle, the word will be ALL UPPERCASE.

Hint: I'm the color of a bird who's team plays ball, in the US from a city above us all. The color is cool, this bird away, the name of the bird, rhymes with say.

Search the posts below for the bold word in the color from the hint above.

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