Phil Villarreal

‘Tekken Tag Tournament’ DLC Characters Will Be Free
In a conversation that seemed to be a pointed jab at friendly rival Capcom, a producer working on ‘Tekken Tag Tournament’ said any characters locked on the disc will be given away for free. Remember that Capcom infamously charged gamers for such content in ‘Street Fighter X Tekken.’

‘Super Mario 4′ And ‘Pikmin 3′ For The Wii U Will Debut At E3
Turns out that not-so-bold prediction we made yesterday that the ‘Super Mario Bros. 4′ would be headed to Nintendo’s new Wii U console worked out better than that bet we had on Syracuse to win the NCAA tournament. Mario mastermind Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that Nintendo would bring a new Wii U Mario game to June’s E3 expo in Los Angeles.
Better still for fans

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 Game Review
If you’re going to re-release what, at its core, is basically the same game every year and expect fans to keep forking over their $60 again and again, you’d better add something worthwhile.

Sony’s New Handheld ‘Vita’ Has Us Screaming ‘Viva La Vita’
When you’re walking around with Sony’s bulky new handheld gaming device in your front pocket, you may get the line “Is that a Vita in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” Your answer will be “Yes, that is a Vita in my pocket, but I’m not happy to see you because social norms dictate that we’ll have to talk rather than pretend one another don’t exist so I can play some ‘Uncharted: Golden Abyss

‘UFC Undisputed 3′ Wants To Fight For Your Love
When you’re pinned to the canvas with knuckles in your ribs, a knee in your kidney and hundreds of pounds of sweaty man-flesh urging you to tap out before you lose consciousness, it’s definitely time to re-evaluate what you’re doing.

7 of the Biggest Box Office ‘Turkeys’ Released on Thanksgiving
After you’ve inhaled your turkey and mashed potatoes, you and your brood might get sick of talking to one another and head out to catch a flick. While Thanksgiving Day is known as a prime movie-opening occasion in Hollywood, the date is also known for the release of a bunch of stinkers.

‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3′ — Game Review
Even if ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’ was a terrible disappointment that also punched you in the groin every time you loaded the game, you’d have to buy it.