No doubt it takes some special holiday magic for him to visit the whole world. But do you realize just what goes into him hitting every house in the world?
Beads of Courage is a program that brings 'Art in Medicine'. the most difficult thing about childhood illness and injuries is facing all the adult type situations as a child. In a child's point of view, the hospital is associated with pain and scary machines...
We are in full gear for Children's Miracle Network and we have a list of ways you can donate to CMN. This is my first year with CMN and I was amazed by how much goes back to the local children. I saw first hand at BSA what CMN has done for Pediatrics and NICU...
Louis Tomlinson has filed for joint custody of his son, after several visitation attempts have allegedly been thwarted by the child's mother, Briana Jungwirth.
Amarillo is growing and changing. We have a lot of things going on and since we live here well our input is important. If you have kids then at some point they might be involved in youth sports and athletics and BluePrint for Amarillo is seeking your input to improve Youth Athletics in our city.