In America Cinco de Mayo involves partying it up with all the best foods and alcohol made in Mexico but everyone seems to forget one staple food. The pink cake!
What is Christmas without something sweet. You cannot have Christmas dinner with out some sweet desserts to end the meal. Everyone should get to enjoy a delicious, pie, cake, candy at the end of their Christmas Meal. That's why the Salvation Army is asking for you help. The Salvation Army needs desserts to serve with their Christmas meal.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. While I love making all the food from scratch, I sometimes get too busy and have to order desserts online. Here are some of my favorite websites for ordering Thanksgiving pies!
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a huge sweet tooth! One major problem, I'm the only one in my house that likes sweets. :( So I have found the perfect solution, microwavable chocolate cake!
Thanksgiving is so close I can already smell it! I decide that my favorite things at Thanksgiving are the sweets, so my last two recipes will be desserts. Here is an awesome double layer pumpkin cheesecake.
You've probably heard 'as American as apple pie.' Well I think the saying should be 'as Thanksgiving as apple pie', because it is a must have every year!
As we count down the day until Thanksgiving, my mind is flooded with delicious food ideas that I could share. One of my favorite things of all time is sweets. So here is a dessert recipe for a Cool Whip Jello pie.
The delicious recipes continue. On day two of Angel Dee's 13 days of Thanksgiving recipes, I'm giving you a twist to an old favorite. This Thanksgiving instead of pumpkin pie, how about a pumpkin butterscotch cream tart?