A friend of mine sent me a screenshot not too long ago of our good friend, Jason Collier. You know who I am talking about. He became the talk of the area because he got busted by several women he was dating all while married. Oh, and he was also the Chief of Police in Stinnett. He was....not anymore.
I told my coworkers the other day that I was going to take one for the team. I was going to subject myself to two hours of Dr. Phil. I don't usually watch his show but he was going to have Jason Collier on for an interview. You know the disgraced former Police of Chief from Stinnett. The married chief that had many girlfriends.
The relationship between a mother and child, under most circumstances, is a very strong one. Some mothers feel they have to protect their children, even when they aren't even children any more. If you are a parent then you have probably had the thought "Nobody is good enough for my boy" or girl for that matter. But when is that "love" crossing the line? You know that it's a r
The parents of Casey Anthony, who was recently acquitted of killing her young daughter Caylee, will break their silence on the upcoming 10th season premiere of ‘Dr. Phil.’
The embattled couple had its pick of media outlets, but felt the show hosted by psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw was the best option. “We are hoping that by doing this interview, we will be able to help other people who may be exper