There are projects in Amarillo that move fast. Some move super fast. It all depends on the priority I guess. The potential damage that can be caused. Even the location of the project.
I feel that in Amarillo we have really gotten good at avoiding the many potholes in our streets. We get to where we know where they are and like a game of Frogger we maneuver around the ones we see. That doesn't mean that we don't get taken by surprise every now and then.
When driving near 58th and Georgia lately it was highly noticed how fast they are moving on their new projects. We have the Chick-fil-A being built. They are working on that. Then there is the other food project.
When you drive around Amarillo you begin to notice a few things. We like our food and we love our coffee. I mean we have so many great places to eat. We also have plenty of places to stop and get our fill of whatever grande, heavy cream, iced, whatever we want.
The one thing we can say about Amarillo is that we love our food. Drive up and down pretty much any main street in our city and you will find evidence of that. So when some place new opens up we rejoice.
Amarillo loves its food. It doesn't even matter what kind. We love bbq, pizza, greasy burgers, and of course our chicken. We love our chicken places so much that we can have several places nearby and they will all be busy. That is how we roll.
We have been watching the locations near 58th and Georgia in Amarillo being built and watching as they open up. Finally, that area is getting some love. There is a Walmart, a couple of pizza places, gas stations, and a McDonald's.
It was just a few weeks ago that I noticed an unfinished Amarillo billboard. Well, at least that is what it turned out to be. When I made that discovery I also discovered something else. That new billboard looked an awful lot like another one very close by.
Have you played the game of driving around Amarillo and reminiscing about what used to be? If you have lived here any amount of time this becomes a fun game. Sometimes you have vivid memories about things.