Get Ready for a Thrilling Halloween; Haunted Houses in AmarilloGet Ready for a Thrilling Halloween; Haunted Houses in AmarilloIn less than a month, haunted houses will open in Amarillo for the 2024 season.CharlieCharlie
Does This Haunted House Have the Real Thing Within?Does This Haunted House Have the Real Thing Within?The warehouse way out on Sundown may very well have real supernatural happenings within.SarahSarah
There Are Over 100 Places For Haunted Fun In Texas This YearThere Are Over 100 Places For Haunted Fun In Texas This YearThis includes places that are supposedly "actually" haunted, and those that have knock-offs of famous horror movie characters.CharlieCharlie
Video: Do You Remember These Haunts In Amarillo, TX?Video: Do You Remember These Haunts In Amarillo, TX?What was happening in Amarillo in 2009? Apparently, a lot of haunting.CharlieCharlie
Looking For Horrific Haunted Houses? Look At Our Map For AmarilloLooking For Horrific Haunted Houses? Look At Our Map For AmarilloThere are so many haunted houses to choose from in Amarillo, that you're bound to find one that you like.CharlieCharlie
Add This Unique Texas Haunt To List Of "Really" Haunted HousesAdd This Unique Texas Haunt To List Of "Really" Haunted HousesIf you want an added layer to your haunted house adventures this year, try a tour of actually haunted, haunted houses in the area.CharlieCharlie
Are You Daring Enough To Visit These Five Panhandle Haunts?Are You Daring Enough To Visit These Five Panhandle Haunts?Here are five places in the Texas panhandle sure to terrorize, thrill, and entertain you this Halloween season.CharlieCharlie
Amarillo's New Terrifying Haunt Is In A 6000sqft WarehouseAmarillo's New Terrifying Haunt Is In A 6000sqft Warehouse In case you haven't heard yet, the newest haunted attraction in town is located on West Sundown Lane, which is eerily appropriate.CharlieCharlie
Amarillo Haunted House Launching Live Scare Cam You Can WatchAmarillo Haunted House Launching Live Scare Cam You Can WatchThey're always finding new ways of giving us what we want this time of year.CharlieCharlie
Scary Fun At New Amarillo Haunted House All Goes To Good CauseScary Fun At New Amarillo Haunted House All Goes To Good CauseTo keep it spoiler free, I will say that things start out innocently enough but take a dark turn. CharlieCharlie
What A Fright! Here’s Every Haunted House Coming to Amarillo!What A Fright! Here’s Every Haunted House Coming to Amarillo!Here are the haunted houses that are open for the Halloween season in Amarillo.CharlieCharlie
Our List, So Far, of Events Happening In Amarillo For HalloweenOur List, So Far, of Events Happening In Amarillo For HalloweenHere is a quick list of events we've found taking place this year in Amarillo.CharlieCharlie