It sounds like something out of a movie: a complete stranger rescues a man from a burning house and then just disappears. Well, it actually happened recently in Fresno, California.
Babies are quick little creatures. The minute you turn your back, that's the minute they are into something or gone, especially if they are mobile. This is exactly what a baby in Georgia did when she crawled away from her home and was found 300 yards from her home near a highway. Luckily, a man was there to save her.
A Houston waiter stood up for something that was right. He refused service to a man and his family after the man moved to another booth because he didn't want to be sat near a special needs child and then insulted the child.
We’ve all heard the jokes about babies who were conceived in a car. But being born in a car is a much trickier proposition. Especially when that car is on one of the busiest highways in America.
A bus driver became a hero on Monday when he caught a seven-year-old autistic girl in his arms after she fell three stories from a building in New York City. The remarkable rescue was caught on tape.
Patrick Hughes was born without eyes and with a tightening of his joints that makes it impossible for him to walk or even straighten out his limbs. But incredibly, his disability hasn’t stopped him from joining the University of Louisville marching band.
So call me HERO, or some might call me a !@#$ but at the end of the day I'm feeling really BAD. So today I was at a store who's name I will keep confidential doing my grocery shopping. As I hit the meat section deciding on what meat I want to buy, I notice this little old lady who was driving one of them handicapped grocery carts who wore clothes that looked like they had not been washed in days,
Lady Gaga is once again being recognized for her support and kindness towards the LGBTQ community. The “Q” is for “questioning,” in case you weren’t familiar with what it stands for, since it’s newly added to the LGBT tag. Gaga will be honored with the Trevor Hero Award, courtesy of The Trevor Project, on Dec. 4.