Hunger is a real thing in our community. You would be surprised at how many people in our city go hungry each and everyday. Most of those hungry have jobs and work hard, but it comes down to paying for gas or eating. Paying for prescriptions or eating. Paying for electricity or eating. This is things that happen right here in Amarillo. That's why we have the High Plains Food Bank and that's
It is always a sad thing to see someone hungry, especially kids. This Saturday, May 14th, you can help by donating can goods in the national 'Stamp Out Hunger' drive. The post office has been doing this for over 20 years and this year you can help!
Snack Pak 4 Kids is an amazing program that helps feed kids when they are not in school. And now, they are influencing schools and communities across the country.
Snack Pak 4 Kids is an awesome organization that aims at ending weekend hunger for children of the Texas Panhandle. And now, the Westgate Mall wants you to Fill The Tundra for a chance at a $500 shopping spree!
So much research is going on right now using bugs as substitute food source. They are high in protein, and other much needed nutrients. The cost to breed them is minimal. Many countries already have bugs in their cuisine, so why wouldn't it be OK to look at insects as a food source.
Food stamps have been the center of controversy for years. And now, Congress has been presented with new legislation: Should people who get food stamps be banned from buying junk food?
It is always a sad thing to see someone hungry, especially kids. This Saturday you can help by donating can goods in the national 'Stamp Out Hunger' drive. The post office has been doing this for over 20 years and this year you can help!
It is always makes me feel good when I do something good for someone else, especially kids. But when you can help feed a hungry kid, the feeling is unbelievable. Today you can help feed kids and get rewarded at the same time.
50 Cent is certainly no stranger to lucrative beverage deals, as anyone who remembers the millions he made from Vitamin Water could tell you.
Now, he’s using that acumen to help raise money for those in serious need.