You can never be too careful with your information. I mean you have to make sure all of your personal info is just where you can find it. I am talking about the important stuff that the bad guys can use to wreak havoc on your life.
We can never be too safe. We have to be a society that pretty much questions everything. I hate that we can't be trusting and that we can't just know that any email, phone call, text or letter can't be legitimate.
If you have a Texas driver's license, there's a good chance that another business has the information that's listed on your ID card. The state of Texas is selling our info, and they've made $2.7 million on it since 2010.
Don't let someone steal your identity because you threw sensitive information in the trash. If you have sensitive documents you need to get rid of but don't have time to shred it yourself, then Amarillo Crime Stoppers and Student Crime Stoppers want to help you out.
It's amazing how many documents we have that contain personal information. Information that could destroy our credit and our lives if someone get their hands on a piece of paper with a small amount of personal info. Identity theft is real and if your identity is stolen it can wreak havoc on your life. It is a nightmare to get everything straightened out. If you have documents you don't need anymor
One of the ways crooks steal your identity is through rummaging through your documents and getting personal information off of them. What about those annoying credit card applications you always get? They can use them too. The Amarillo Crime Stoppers and Student Crime Stoppers are holding a "Shred It" day this Saturday to help you get rid of all those documents.