My mom was in town last week to visit. When it was time for her to fly back home she took my 8-year-old son with her. My mom is in her 60’s and my son has lots of energy. He can be a handful. So, I was a little nervous about her trying to manage their bags, jump from one terminal to another plus keep an eye on him. But my Mom is a pro. Before she left she put together a battle plan that worked fla
This kid has some amazing talent and I hope he gets discovered. I love this so much I cant get enough off it and have to keep watching it over and over. I am very happy to see that we have talented kids at these ages! This kid nailed the theme song to 'Titanic.'...
So would you allow your 6 year old child to rap in a video about "Popping Booties?" Well apparently these parents find nothing wrong with it. In the video you see grown-a#$ women popping there booties in this kids face.
Last month, two-year-old Natalie was getting ready to take off on a JetBlue flight with her parents and her sister from Turks and Caicos to Boston. As two-year-olds are wont to do, little Natalie started to throw a fit. After about five minutes of some pretty intense screaming, Dr. Colette Vieau and her husband, Dr. Mordecai Stolk, were able to get their toddler under control and strapped into her
So today on my Facebook I was sent a video from someone who was rapping about Kiss Fm. The song was apparently a freestyle rap for us and now they're demanding for us to play the rap on the radio!