We are definitely in cold and flu season. You try to do anything you can to avoid getting sick. I mean it's never fun and if you can help avoid it why not?
One of the best times I remember with my daughter was reading to her as she was growing up. Yes, there were some books that she just made sure I read over and over to her. Yes, at the time I was like "Not Again." Those, though are the books and the memories I cherish the most.
In the past few days, we already heard that the building that Grill Italia occupied was up for sale. Now another local favorite also had a sign go up at their business.
It's been another crazy year. It was about a year ago that The Catch announced they were about to open. They were going to be our newest seafood place here in Amarillo. They opened last June and they are closing this June.
First of all, I love anything that has the word free in it. I really do. This was something that my daughter looked forward to every summer. She and a friend would walk a couple of blocks down to Memorial Park and have an adventure.
You may have reached that crossroad in your life. What should I do now. Maybe you have been in your current job forever and you know you are not doing yourself any favors by sticking around.
Do you like a good challenge? Are you looking to show off your knowledge to your friends. Heck you may just want a fun evening out with your friends regardless of the outcome.
I have this love hate relationship with Similac. This is the formula of choice for my grand daughter. We have dealt a lot with them this past month. I love it because it works great for her. I hate them because of formula drama this past month.
If there is one thing I can stand behind each and every year it is the great scents of Hatch Green Chile's roasting every year. This is a great time of year. Your nasal passages can open up just by walking into a United Supermarket.
Do you ever find yourself pulling in your driveway and thinking to yourself "man the outside of my house could really use some help?" If so I get it. You want to come home to a place that you are proud to show off.
I don't really remember a time in my life that I couldn't swim. Oh, wait yes I can. It was that moment when I was about four years old and I was on a house boat with my family. I was jumping from side to side over the stairwell. My next memory was falling in. I didn't know how to swim. I remember gasping for air as my brother's rushed to get family to help.
Nobody really likes the idea of getting a shot. That was then and well this is now. We are still not crazy about needles but more and more people are posting about getting their vaccine.