People looking for erotic videos are shown videos of little kids swimming and playing. You wouldn't even know if your videos were being suggested to them.
A Lubbock firefighter is placed on administrative leave after being indicted on allegations he posted video he secretly recorded of his ex performing sexual acts while they were dating to a porn site after she broke up with him.
Check out this game I played with our intern "Frank". I gave him a bunch of names that could either be a name of a Triple X movie or the name of a Nail Polish.
Joe Francis, creator of 'Girls Gone Wild,' was convicted of assault and false imprisonment on Monday (May 6) for a 2011 incident in which he took three women back to his house under false pretenses and then attacked them for trying to leave.
Stop us when we get to something that surprises you.
Well Miss Teen Delaware is just an inspiration to all the aspiring young models out there who have dreams of beauty pageants, and nightmares of having to do porn. But they do say any kind of publicity is good publicity! So is this sex tape going to help or hurt Miss Teen Delaware's beauty pageant and modeling career? Yeah I bet so.
Being a politician has to suck. Sure, there are some perks to working for the government, but when you’re in the public eye your entire life is completely exposed, and all your actions are up for scrutiny. Think about it-- political guys can’t even get a boner without it making news. No one has a squeaky clean past, and dirt is bound to be uncovered if you’re a dude running for office.
If you snap a racy picture, or shoot a dirty video and store it on your computer, you should probably be prepared to see your homemade pornography somewhere on the Internet.
We all have annoying neighbors -- the guy who mows his lawn in shorty shorts at 7am on Saturday morning or that older lady who floods our mailbox with "help me find a home" cat flyers that makes us hate cats as much as junk mail. What about the family who blasts gospel music so loud that nearby residents can even hear it...