This has been the story that keeps on giving. Jason Collier. Yes, you are welcome, we are bringing him back up. Why? Is he dating someone new? Did he wind up on another dating app?
Lindsay Lohan's probation was revoked (as predicted) and a hearing has been set to see whether she'll have to go to jail .
LOL JK we know that won't happen.
Like a real-life game of Monopoly, Lindsay Lohan is again going directly to jail.
During a court appearance on Wednesday, she admitted violating her probation and has been ordered to turn herself in before November 9 to begin serving a 30-day sentence in the Los Angeles County Jail. However, a sheriff’s department spokesperson says Lohan will likely serve just 20 percent of that sentence, or six d
Earlier today, Lindsay Lohan was in court where she was sentenced to 30 days in jail after she finally owned up to her actions and admitted to violating her probation. So why is she only going to serve 6 days?
I'm floored! I just don't believe it! Lindsay Lohan is an ANGEL how on earth could the ignorant people of the court system say she's screwed up again! Oh wait, she missed a scheduled/court appointed community service assignment today? Are you sure!?! Well then let the demon spawn burn!
Chris Brown‘s quest to become Mr. Congeniality isn’t going so well.
His neighbors in the West Hollywood condo complex where he lives claim he blasts loud music all night, vandalizes the property, and has been repeatedly ticketed for parking in the garage’s handicapped spots — and they have complained to his probation officer about it.