One of the biggest and most fun times I had growing up was attending our big parades. Nothing against our parades here in Amarillo and Canyon, we have some great ones. I grew up in Chicago so they were just on a different level.
The Texas Department of Transportation recently hosted a contest, in conjunction with their Project Celebration, for juniors and seniors in high school to create a PSA about underage drinking and driving.
It's been a little under two weeks since the Atlanta Braves won the World Series. I am still a little in disbelief about that. I mean it's been twenty-six years in the making. What makes it even more special is the local ties to that series.
They say everyone is hiring these days and that may be true. Looking for good quality jobs is really what you are wanting. Well Amarillo Independent School District has a lot of positions open that you may be interested in.
I'm going to start this off by saying I am a HUGE Atlanta Braves fan. I am sorry Astros fans this is just the way it is. It has been since the early nineties thanks to TBS covering pretty much all of their games.