Unwanted text messages are fast becoming a problem instead of just a nuisance. Here's how you can stop them, almost instantly with no fear of retribution.
A survey by PIXmania.com reveals that it now takes couples an average of 224 tweets, 163 text messages, 70 Facebook messages, 37 emails and 30 phone calls to fall in love. Read on for other findings.
We've all heard the refrain that you shouldn't text and drive. Well, it seems there is a whole slew of other questionable phone-related behavior we need to stop.
Perfect example why you should 'Selfie' and drive at the same time. This guy was jamming out to Taylor Swift's 'Shake it off' and recording himself off his phone on a selfie stick when all of a sudden he hits another car. Do not do this while you drive it puts so many people including yourself at danger....
Next time you see a cop pointing what you think is a radar gun at you, you might want to think again. They might not be checking your speed, but checking to see if you're texting and driving.