Curious though we were about The Purge world its other 364 days, we had to wonder about a TV series without its title threat. Thankfully, franchise boss James DeMonaco has purged his old comments, claiming SYFY and USA’s new Purge will indeed purge to its heart’s content.
Been on YouTube watching videos after videos, then you come across one that just wasted your time? Well if you are reading this I'm guessing you have some free time, because now you can't get that 3 minutes back Check out the vid below.
Been on YouTube watching videos after videos, then you watch one that wasted your time? Now you want that 3 minutes back but you can't! Well if you are reading this I'm guessing you have some free time, because this Video will be as awesome to watch!
A Cheerleading squad from Texas pays tribute to 9/11 with an incredible routine. Usually you'll hear about tribute songs and videos but this Texas cheer squad definitely went above and beyond to show true patriotism
Tomorrow we will be honoring our active and retired soldiers for Veterans day. A day where we give thanks to the men and woman who have not only protected and fought for our country, but also have put their lives on the line for us. Here's a list of businesses that are giving freebies or discounts to vets on Veterans Day.
On this Independence Day, let's take a moment to show our love for our country. And what better way than by listening to goats belt out the national anthem?