It seems that more and more student/teacher relationships are happening around the United States.  As a matter of fact, even right here in the Texas Panhandle.

I always hear about these student/teacher relationships happening, but it's always hard when it happens here in our area.  The Hereford Police are investigating an alleged sexual assault and improper relationship between a teacher and student.

Police received the report on March 9th.  The incident supposedly took place between a Hereford High School teacher and a student prior to the 2014-2015 school year.  No names or genders have been released because the incident is still under investigation.

Every time I hear these types of stories, I always think 'It could never happen here.'  In all reality, it could and is happening everywhere.  It's very sad that adults our children are suppose to be able to trust are taking advantage of them.  Hopefully, everything will be settled without much attention on the student involved.

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