Jonas N @ Flickr
Jonas N @ Flickr

Christmas is just 12 days away and that means schools are getting ready to have their Christmas parties.  A big question that I've been contemplating is whether we should buy my son's teacher a gift or not.

This is the first year my son is in school and being a school mom is so new to me.  His Christmas party is next week and I haven't decided if we should buy his teacher a gift or not.  Part of me says yes, then another part says no.

The 'yes' part is to show gratitude for her teaching my son and putting up with all the kids in the class.  I would like to get her something to show her she is appreciated.

The 'no' part comes from my aunt who is a teacher.  She is very appreciative when students giver her gifts, but she has so many students every year that the items build up.  She can only have so many #1 teacher mugs or ornaments.  She hates for people to spend money and her not use the gift.

She actually said that she'd prefer to get a homemade Christmas card from the student.  That it means more to her.

So I am torn.  Should I buy my son's teacher something and risk her not liking it or throwing it out?  Or should I just skip the gift giving all together?

Do you give your kid's teachers gifts at Christmas?

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