Downtown Amarillo is about to get even more on the fancier side. Nothing is better than getting a great mural on a blank wall that they already have. I mean let's fancy it up all we can.

I love driving downtown and noticing every time a new mural pops up. We had recently heard that Yolo's Restaurant in downtown was going to get a mural. It is all part of the Hoodoo Mural Festival that is going to be happening on October first.

credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival
credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival

The murals will start being painted in September and will be celebrated and shown off at the festival. I reached out to the folks at Hoodoo Mural to find out which other businesses we could expect to be on display.

Over the years they have provided great artwork on eleven different areas and they are not done. They have picked out several new areas that will get the star treatment in downtown Amarillo.

  • Amarillo National Bank - 510 S Polk Street
  • Amarillo National Bank - 600 S Fillmore
  • The Historic Plemons Building - 203 SW 8th Ave
  • Downtown Marriott - 724 S Polk
  • Yolo's Restaurant - 316 6th Ave
  • Amarillo National Bank - 418 S Tyler Street

The festival itself is going to be a fun time. It of course is a family fun event in downtown Amarillo. You will be able to check out the great work done to these murals by Triston Eaton, Drew Merritt, It's a Living, Rabi Malcolm Byers, Nate Smith, and some local Amarillo muralists.

credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival
credit: Desmond/Hoodoo Mural Festival

If you are a local DJ, muralist, or restaurant you still have until Friday to get involved in this year's festival. You can also get your tickets and all the information HERE.

The Five Beautiful Murals Added to Downtown Amarillo

The HooDoo Mural Festival of 2021 means there are five more gorgeous works of art that can be seen in Downtown Amarillo. These gorgeous splashes of color and creativity are a sight to behold.

The Incredible Murals You'll Find In Amarillo

Amarillo is full of astonishingly beautiful artwork in the most unlikely places. Check out our collection of the hidden gems you'll find around town. Some, you'll recognize from Downtown and others you might have to go hunting for.

Beautiful Murals by Blank Spaces Found Around Amarillo

The student-led art group, Blank Spaces, is paving the way. The WTAMU group has worked tirelessly to create a number of stunning murals for several places in the Amarillo area. Check them out!


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