Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Owes a Tanning Salon $40K
Lindsay Lohan Owes a Tanning Salon $40K
Lindsay Lohan Owes a Tanning Salon $40K
It turns out that the strange color of Ooompa Loompa orange that Lindsay Lohan’s skin has turned doesn’t happen naturally. It also doesn’t happen for free. Poor orange LiLo is having trouble with the court again, this time over a tanning bill.
Lindsay Lohan Appearing In Playboy And The Cover Has Been Leaked!
Lindsay Lohan Appearing In Playboy And The Cover Has Been Leaked!
Lindsay Lohan Appearing In Playboy And The Cover Has Been Leaked!
I told you it was only a matter of time before Lindsay Lohan realized she was broke and ended up turning to porn.  Not hard-core (yet), she's using Playboy as her start.  It's like a gateway drug.  You start off, you like it, it's easy money to really not do anything at all, then before you know it your doing blow and sandwiched in a gay porn.  Stay away kiddos!  Uncle Dallas knows best!
Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Violating Her Probation
Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Violating Her Probation
Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Violating Her Probation
Like a real-life game of Monopoly, Lindsay Lohan is again going directly to jail. During a court appearance on Wednesday, she admitted violating her probation and has been ordered to turn herself in before November 9 to begin serving a 30-day sentence in the Los Angeles County Jail. However, a sheriff’s department spokesperson says Lohan will likely serve just 20 percent of that sentence, or six d

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