Big news here!  It's official that Osama Bin Laden is dead and the US is in possession of his body.  News keeps trickling in and it appears that it was a operation planned by the US and actually received help from the Pakistan government.  Here's the crazy thing I'm watching Fox News and they keep saying he was killed last week in a covert operation.  Crazy that it took so long for us to find out about it right!  This is actually pretty spooky if you ask me!  I think there could be some repercussions for this, I mean I don't wanna stir the pot here but I think now more then ever there's a terrorism threat.  But what do I know.  One thing I am finding funny is how Geraldo keeps accidentally saying Obama haha!  Anyways I know lot's more news is going to be trickling in about this expect lots of updates!  The president is about to speak about it so we'll see what happens after that!

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