Due to the coronavirus and Covid-19, the Amarillo Shooting Complex has been closed for several weeks. However, they have just announced they will reopen with normal hours starting on Saturday, May 16. They have previously announced that all memberships would be extended at no extra cost to make up for the amount of the time the facility has been closed.

In order to reopen, there will be new rules put in place to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and practice social distancing. If you plan to go to the range, here is what you need to know:

  • Time will be limited to 1.5 hours for each shooter.
  • Scopes and eye protection will not be available to rent, however you can purchase eye protection.
  • No outside targets allowed. All shooters will be supplied the standard range targets at no cost.
  • Only TWO shooters per lane.
  • Customers will not be allowed to change lanes for any reason.
  • Customers who wish to move from the rifle range to the pistol range will be required to go back through the office for a new lane assignment.
  • Non shooting observers will not be allowed at the range.
  • Customers will not be allowed to re-enter the main building through the back door after exiting to go to the range.
  • Customers will exit on the east side of the main building when leaving the range.
  • Customers who need the restroom facilities will follow the exit instructions for the range, re-enter the main building at the front door and follow the signs to the restroom.
  • Once checked in to shoot, all customers must immediately leave the building and go to the range; the lobby is closed until further notice.

In addition to the new guidelines, all licence to carry and private shooting classes are postponed until further notice. If you have any questions about the new procedures before you go, you can contact the range at (806) 359-2086.

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