Last year was the first time that the Dubai Chocolate craze hit Amarillo. It started where most crazes start. Social media. More specifically Tik Tok. Next thing we knew there were people asking all over where to find this Dubai Chocolate.
We found out just before Christmas that Amarillo, and the rest of the country, were losing Party City. That is over seven hundred stores that are going away. One store on I40 and Soncy is closing in Amarillo. The only location we had.
It seems like you always crave Chick-fil-A in Amarillo on Sundays. Am I right? The one day that you can not pick up that holy chicken because they are closed each and every Sunday. So you learn to punt. You have to find something else.
Sometimes when you open a new place in Amarillo you sit back and see your successes. You also after a while may reevaluate and decide you need a bigger place. There is nothing wrong with branching out and getting more space. That is a victory.
It's important for the online safety of Texas that we all see these most common passwords so far in 2025. If you are guilty of using any of these, change them now!