There is a way to see two movies for less then what you will spend at the movie theater.

Friday after I got done work I received a text message from Tascosa Drive-in Theater. The message said that there would be a double feature of Incredibles 2 and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

My son had never been to a drive-in and I haven't been to one since I was a baby. So, it sounded like a great idea.

I took the seat out of the back of the truck and put a single mattress in the back so my son could lay flat and watch the movie. He of course brought a pillow and blanket. He was already dress to go to bed which was perfect.

We got to the drive in found a great place near the screen. We popped open the back hatch and we were ready to watch the first movie which was Incredibles 2.

It was so fun to be able to sit in our car and watch the movie. The first movie ended around midnight. The second movie started shortly after. But my son was already asleep.

It was a fun filled night and a neat way to see a movie. If you want to get text messages from the Drive In Theater just click here.


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