Danny Gallagher

Have You Ever Looked at Your Facebook Privacy Settings? 13 Million Users Haven’t
A large number of users haven’t tried to access their privacy settings since they signed up with Facebook.
A new report from Consumer Reports found that 13 million users have failed to do just that, despite Facebook’s attempts to update and strengthen their privacy system and settings.

You Could Be Throwing Money Down the Drain If You Use Online Dating Sites
Sites like Match.com and eHarmony make big promises of finding a lifetime of love with your soulmate without having to leave your door or even put on pants.
A new study, however, found that may be the only advantage to trying to find the right guy or gal compared to the old-fashioned way.

Tennessee Bans Students from Holding Hands in School — Claims It’s a ‘Gateway Sexual Activity’
Despite some studies that have shown the ineffectiveness of abstinence-only education for teenagers, several states and even the federal government have doubled down their stance on the controversial sex-ed program.
Tennessee has taken the idea one step further.

Woman Who Lost Lottery Ticket May Still Get $1 Million
It takes a lot of luck to pick the winning numbers in a million dollar lottery. It takes a lot more to lose the winning ticket and still be able to claim the cash.

Reports: Spammers Flooded Cell Phones with a Staggering 4.5 Billion Texts in 2011
There are few things more frustrating than learning that some spammer has wasted a few megabytes of your data plan with advertisements for male enhancement pills or cash for gold schemes.

Sofia Vergara Almost Naked in GQ — It’s Only a Matter of Time Boys!
Sophia Vergara, the eye-delicious star of ‘Modern Family’, posed for a series of very provocative pictures in the latest issue of GQ Mexico. Actually, the term “very provocative” implies that the photos leave something to the imagination.

You Couldn’t Afford These Classic Cars Even ‘With God’s Help’
Nothing produces more wide eyes and hanging jaws for guys than a quality vintage car. That’s assuming that naked women and busty lesbians aren’t in them because combining the two could cause a hormone surge that would destroy the Earth. It’s a better way to go than stupid global warming.

Ford Mutilates Mustang’s Classic, Iconic Design For 2015 Model
There are few things in life that are treated with as much reverence and respect as the Ford Mustang. Sure there may have been some noticeable changes in the later models from its earlier concepts and classic originals, but even the most modern edition has been able to maintain some semblance of its unique and iconic look…until now.

Funny Car Has a Not-So-Funny Explosion
George Carlin once joked that the only reason he watched auto racing was for the accidents, he “wanted to see some cars on fire”. Funny because it’s true. However, when they are as serious looking as this one, there isn’t much to laugh about.

Why Are Kids Playing ‘The Choking Game’?
Kids have always been good at inventing their own playground games.
One game, however, has proven to be quite dangerous for the little guys and gals. It goes by a dozen different names, but it can best be described as the ‘choking game.’

Psychic John Edward Fails to Predict $150,000 Lawsuit Against Him
Psychic John Edward might have the “ability” to talk to people who have gone to the great beyond and use them as a conduit to predict the future or reveal some lost truth about the present.
However, even Edward probably didn’t see this news coming.

Ever Wonder Why Dogs Stick Their Head Out of Car Windows? Well, Wonder No More
Joe Raedle, Getty Images
It never fails. You load Fido into the car, head off to your destination and the little guy has his nose pressed up against the glass as he whimpers for freedom until you crack the window. Then he sticks his big dopey head out of it for the entire trip.
Why do they do that? Mental_Floss has the answer.