Kanye West isn't known for keeping his cool, but he's remarkably chill about his album, 'Yeezus,' leaking. Maybe because he's so preoccupied with, you know, having a daughter now.

TMZ reports that Yeezy isn't worked up about his album leaking ahead of its June 18 release date, saying he sees it as something inevitable at this point in technology as well as in his career. Still, West's label, Def Jam, has an entire department dedicated to leaks, and they're determined to find the source and punish them accordingly.

West has bigger fish to fry, namely his new baby girl with Kim Kardashian.

Sources say that West was right by Kardashian's side the moment she began to feel under the weather, and he hasn't left since.

"Of course, Kanye was there with Kim when she went to the hospital and had the baby," an insider told Us Weekly. "She started to feel sick late last night [Friday] and was having contractions."

That that, cheating rumors!

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