I thought Charlie Sheen was a baller?  Well it was reported a few months back that he was basically broke, which kinda seemed impossible being that he was in the 8th season of 2 and a half men

In the first year he made $160,000 a week, $3.84 million for the year.  After that he was paid $850,000 for each of the next 137 episodes. That’s a total of $116,450,000!  Last year he got a raise paying a total of around $2 million a week, or $32 million for the season.  All together, he made over $152 million dollars.  And yet…

TMZ has obtained Charlie’s contract for Season 7 (2010 - 2011).  The document — dated May 17, 2010 — requires Warner Bros. to pay Charlie $10 million within 10 days of the date Charlie signed.  Charlie was then obligated to pay the money back during the first 13 episodes.
Charlie was fired after the 16th episode, so Warner Bros. got its money back.
As for why Charlie needed the money … unclear.

Unclear?  Really!?  I don't know why but I have a funny feeling it was drugs, alcohol, prostitutes and gambling.  Call me crazy.

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