The new logo issued in part of celebration for Amarillo's centennial has been pulled after all the talk about the logo being a complete rip off of the logo for EMAAR.  This might be for the best, not many people were exactly thrilled about the change.  Many people shouted through their keyboards saying the logo "isn't a representation of Amarillo".  The logo has been replaced with the city's seal for the time being.

"The city of Amarillo has replaced its newly unveiled logo with the city seal while officials research legal and other issues linked to the design.

The city’s website now features an older logo that includes a longhorn, a rising jet and wheat stalks.

City spokeswoman Sonja Gross said the city opted to use the previous emblem out of professional courtesy to a Dubai company that owns the rights to a logo that is similar to one the city unveiled during a 100th city charter anniversary gala on Saturday.

“It just makes sense,” she said.

The city now is researching the logo issue and is waiting to hear back from Emaar, a Dubai-based real estate company that specializes in developing high-end properties throughout the Middle East and Beverly Hills, Calif., she said."

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