Do YOU Have a Skin Care Routine? I Want To Know!
So, I was getting ready to go out a few nights ago and realized my grooming ritual is becoming lengthy.
Jumping in the shower now involves a multitude of goops, cremes, and scrubs and the tools to apply these must-have products. I remember as a teen a quick shower was a five-ish minute event.
I need a solid hour now, and that's before I even get dressed. Recently, the K-Pop boy super group BTS has been sweeping the free world with their new song 'Boy with Luv.' After doing some research for my show, I discovered that these are hardly boys but men in their mid to late 20's.
But how do they all appear so youthful? More research discovered their secret. K-Beauty is a real regimen of moisturizers, oils, cremes, and makeup. Men wearing makeup in 2019 has become widely accepted. There are products that are designed solely for men now and they are apparently flying off the shelves.
I'm all about staying youthful and healthy but adding another process to my daily routine is just out of the question. besides I have no idea how to apply primer, let alone what primer even is. So, in these days of youthful appearance I've decided that a few days of unshaven, bad-hair days, Danny is A-okay with me. However, I'm not canceling my facial and eyebrow appointment next week.
Do you have a skincare routine? Let me know.
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