Glee‘ definitely needed more bad guys on the show to make it more interesting, and frankly, Grant Gustin‘s Sebastian character is the one we all love to hate. It’s just too bad this guy is so freakin’ adorable.

We guess most narcissistic and conniving guys are on some level, but why make Gustin, of all people, play this meanie? The man is too cute for words. When he Tweeted pictures of himself shirtless and scuffed up, we all had the unison reaction of, “No, not the face!”

Since the Michael Jackson episode, though, it’s not safe to even mention the fact that he has a good body. Otherwise, hardcore Chris Colfer fans will come and destroy you.

'Glee's' Grant Gustin, Sebastian
'Glee's' Grant Gustin, Sebastian
'Glee's' Grant Gustin, Sebastian
'Glee's' Grant Gustin, Sebastian
'Glee's' Grant Gustin, Sebastian

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