When cruising through Texas, it's important to keep your car free of certain items to avoid trouble with the law.  If your safety matters to you and you want to avoid legal issues, this list is worth memorizing.

Laws are clear about certain items that are not allowed to be in your car when driving in Texas. Even if you are a passenger, you should be aware of these things.

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Just because you are a passenger in the vehicle, if a traffic stop is instigated you could be charged with a crime. Staying on the right side of the law is easy if you know the rules.

An Ounce Of Prevention

Some of the items on our list could get you pulled over. The others could get you arrested once you are pulled over.

Knowing your rights and standing your ground with law enforcement all sound like good ideas, but never getting stopped in the first place is the goal.

These are all the things that make it seem like you might be doing something illegal. If you give off that impression, an officer could start an investigation.

More Things Not Covered By This List

If you get pulled over, remain calm and keep your hands on the steering wheel. If you start rummaging around to things on the list, that could cause even more problems for you.

Keep Reading: In Texas Is The Heat And The Humidity

According to onlinetexasltc.com there are even more laws when you travel with a firearm. There are also a few things missing, so make sure and read up on your local laws.

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7 Things You Don't Want In Your Car When Pulled Over In Texas

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