Texas Beware: The Geese are Coming Early this Year
One of the tell-tale signs that winter is on the way in Texas are the Canadian geese making their way here. This migration is normal to see every year, but typically during the fall months.
So, what does it mean that some of these geese are already making their way to Texas this August?

A West Texas resident spotted a group of geese flying over and making a Wolfforth, Texas pond their home for the time being. Considering it is early August and we are still well into summer and 100+ degree weather isn’t quite over yet, this was a shock.
Canadian geese typically start arriving in the Lone Star state in late September, with the majority not showing up until late October. They stay around through winter, making parks, ponds, and anywhere else they can, into their seasonal home. This migration takes place to get away from the harsh Canadian winter and have a better food supply in warmer climates.
While that is how their migration typically works, it is not uncommon to see some start their move early, arriving during the late summer months. However, some people take this early migration as a sign that this year’s winter will be colder than usual.
While some take it as a sign to predict the coming forecast, others are bothered by their need to start protecting their lawns and homes from the debris these birds come with. No one wants a yard full of geese and a house covered in bird poop.