Lubbock’s Mugshot Monday: 27 People Arrested The Week Before July 4th
It's almost July 4th but hold the fireworks because there might be some things you might have missed in the news this week.
The Birds and the... Mosquitoes?
If you have been living out this summer carefree with no worries then lucky you because many residents across the South Plains have complained about one thing aside from the heat. Mosquitoes. That's right those buzzing annoying blood suckers that seem to be every where and just sneak up on you when you least expect it. Well recently researchers with Texas Tech University have stated that they've found West Nile Virus in some mosquitoes from Lubbock County. Don't worry though just take the necessary precautions like using insect repellent, mowing tall grasses, and getting rid of any standing bodies of water. There was one flying critter though that you would be happy to see, a Ruby Macaw. That's right there is a Ruby Macaw in Lubbock, it was actually lost and the owner desperately searched for it and with some local help actually found the bird.
Television, Music, and Adventure!
It has been hot so one of the easiest things to do is stay inside and watch television but for many Texas Tech fans that experience has been enhanced. Texas Tech has now introduced Texas Tech+ which will play archived material and is free to the public, who doesn't love free? If you are more of the adventurous type then you can find local singer/songwriter Arle Rossnagel performing in the Hub City on Tuesday at Ike's or Thursday at Table 82. If adventuring around Lubbock and listening to the beats then maybe a trip to Dallas would be better? At least once you are there you could visit this strange Sonic Drive-In that has no drive-in but you instead just walk right in and order.
And Now, Mugshots
These 27 mugshots are of individuals arrested and booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center during the week of June 26 - July 2, 2023. The individuals charged should be presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. All arrestees featured below are those charged with a felony offense. A felony offense is classified by the severity of punishment, ranging from the low level state jail felony all the way to a capital felony. Also featured are any Individuals who were held on a Fugitive Warrant or Detainer, a United States Marshall Remand, or Immigration Customs Enforcement Detainer.