We first met Terry Davis of Whitehaven, Tennessee six years ago when he became a viral sensation.

Wait, you don't know the name? Oh, you may know him by another name of sorts: "Back Up Terry."

There you go, you remember now! Some people may refer to him as "Put It In Reverse, Terry" as well.

If you've been under a rock and never seen this gem, then here you go.

(I'm not gonna lie, I cry laughing every time I see this video.)

In all seriousness, and thankfully, Terry was not harmed by any of the fireworks that went off while he couldn't "put it in reverse."

The local community embraced their new viral star. His viewers even rallied behind him and got him a new wheelchair, a van, and a ramp at his home.

Now, though, his family is in need again. They need to purchase him a new van.

Fox 13
Fox 13

Terry said his van is damaged beyond repair and wheelchair-accessible vans are very pricey.

Add in the fact that Terry apparently has not gotten a dime over the years from any merchandise sold with his name or likeness on it, clearly, the right thing to do is help this gentleman out.

And that's exactly what is happening right now in the form of a GoFundMe.

The description in the online fundraiser explains a little about what Terry is dealing with right now.

Terry's accessible van is broken beyond the cost of repair. As many of you know how difficult it is to get around, when transportation is a problem for us normal people, for Terry it is very difficult. Terry has doctor appointments whereas his accessible van is very much needed, including taking him shopping for his personal items. Donations of any amount will be very grateful, If you can’t give, share or prayer is another way of giving. The family of Terry thank you so much for your support.


By the way, Terry has been wheelchair-bound for 13 years because of a spinal cord injury.

The good news is that this fundraiser is getting close to its $57,000 goal, so hopefully Terry gets his new van soon.

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