James Franco will not be kept quiet about things he thinks suck. Namely, his former New York University professor during his brief tenure at the college.

Back story: A while ago, an NYU professor who gave Franco a D was fired. The professor, Jose Angel Santana, was then axed from the NYU staff.

His reasoning for Franco's bad grade in his Directing the Actor class seemed fair enough: Franco missed 12 out of 14 classes. Santana sued the university as well as Franco, saying that Franco's celebrity, as well as his own Hispanic background, is why he was really let go.

Santana requested a default judgment since Franco never responded to his lawsuit.

Now, Franco's firing back at Santana.

TMZ reports that Franco refuses to back down from his claims that Santana was a bad teacher -- and not in the fun Cameron Diaz style, either. Franco claims that the lawsuit should be dismissed entirely because not only was he never formally served with the lawsuit, but calling Santana is well within his right to free speech.

Just like it's well within our right to free speech to say that 'Pineapple Express' was pretty overrated. Sue us.

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